Human rights are moral principles or norms, that describe certain standards of human behavior, and are regularly protected as legal rights in municipal and international law. They are commonly understood as inalienable fundamental rights "to which a person is inherently entitled simply because she or he is a human being... Continue Reading
Contact Governor Rick Scott NOW | Family Law Reform
ChildrensRightsFL at Family Law Reform -
Once again the Family Section of the Florida Bar has opposed our bill, even though the time sharing language does not contain a rebuttable presumption.They have already written Governor Scott asking him to, once again, VETO our bill. The National Organization of Women (NOW) is opposed to our bill and will also demand that Governor Scott Veto the bill. One more time, I must ask you——If you want alimony reform—-to:
Contact Denial Grievance Founded with Recommendations ~ Kevin Avard – Google+
American Fathers at Stand Up For Zoraya -
Judge Edwin Kelly failed to provide adequate oversight and supervision of marital masters and judges in the Hooksett Family Division by permitting ongoing malfeasance to occur after Petitioner notified him of it in a lengthy letter to which same judge, with the power to fire Marital Masters at will, responded that he had no authority to intervene.
The Alienating Parents’ Tool Of Choice
ChildrensRightsFL at Stand Up For Zoraya -
Family Courts adversarial environment where it is argued is ripe for distortions and partial truths. What is important to know is that there have been specific arguments created to discredit it that can be shown to be absolutely false. For example, the argument that it is not accepted by the professional community can be shown to be absolutely false. The argument about its presence or absence in the DSM-5 can be answered completely and affirmatively. The argument that it is “junk science” can be shown to be completely unsupported by the scientific literature.
ChildrensRightsFL at Children's Rights -
IS FLORIDA’S GOVERNOR SCOTT MAKING ALIMONY REFORM POLITICAL AGAIN? | Get News ga('create', 'UA-47275228-1', ''); ga('send', 'pageview'); Home Business Lifestyle Health & Medicine Technology Financial Market U.S. World Home » Media & Communications, News & Current Affairs, Society & Culture, Government & Politics, Website & Blog » IS FLORIDA’S GOVERNOR SCOTT MAKING ALIMONY REFORM POLITICAL […]
Americans for Equal Rights for Fathers
ChildrensRightsFL at Americans for Equal Rights for Fathers -
Americans for Equal Rights for Fathers 86 members Start a conversation with your group Stephen Krasner Public Service and Advocacy Father’s Experience in Orange County, New York We have a problem in the arena of divorce and custody. We have a system that is not impartial and often serves as a breeding ground for disingenuous … Continue reading Americans for Equal Rights for Fathers
How child support costs are currently calculated and why they need to be revised
Scott Adams at American Fathers Liberation -
Divorce Corp Director, Joseph Sorge, interviews renowned economist and lead author of a breakthrough study on the costs of raising a child, Professor William Comanor. Watch this video to learn the shocking facts about how child support costs are currently calculated and why they need to be revised. Then share this interview with your state legislators to support child support reforms.
Inequality Ignored, Does it matter?
ChildrensRightsFL at American Fathers -
Intellectuals fretting about income disparity are oddly silent regarding the decline of the two-parent family. An excerpt from this article: Suppose a scientific conference on cancer prevention ne…
Hunger Protest ~ To be part of children’s lives.
ChildrensRightsFL at Americans for Equal Rights for Fathers -
Hunger protest at the state capital in Kansas. Ray Schwabstrong talks about how the system systematically isolated his parental rights to see and be part of his children's lives. Ray talks about how is daughter was sexually abused while in custody of the state. To further the argument, Ray further explains the corruption within family court and social services and how the judge makes up rules as they continue a unconstitutional proceedings.
Governor Rick Scott Signs Law to Cut Funding for Abortion Clinics
ChildrensRightsFL at Children's Rights -
Joining the long list of Republican governors who have passed abortion restrictions recently, Florida Governor Rick Scott signed a law that cuts off all state funding to any clinics providing abortion services, and also would restrict clinics with laws similar to those under argument at the Supreme Court this term. Clinics are no long allowed funding for other medical services for low-income women, even though state funding is already cut off from abortions. In addition, the doctors that conduct abortions would have to have admitting privileges at a hospital within a reasonable dist... more »
I Love My Daughter
ChildrensRightsFL at Stand Up For Zoraya -
There is nothing like the love of a daughter to make even the worst days wonderful. The reverse is equally true. The love of a father powerfully reassures security and self-confidence. [Tweet This] However, it needs to be clearly displayed and communicated. Here are simple gestures that say, “I love my daughter.”
Your children and future generations are counting on you to take action now!
American Fathers at Americans for Equal Rights for Fathers -
For years now, you knew there was something wrong with the system. Like many parents, you may have even doubted yourself. Until now, the pieces of the puzzle are finally coming together. The chickens are coming home to roost. It’s no longer a secret what’s happening all around us. The parallels between what both Mr. Koziol and Mr. Trump have said, are virtually identical. Unfortunately, the retaliation and the attacks by the establishment for exposing the truth have also come with a hefty price tag for both gentleman.
Florida Legislature sends controversial alimony and child-support law to governor for approval
David Inguanzo at Children's Rights -
For the second time, lawmakers are sending an alimony overhaul to Gov. Rick Scott, who vetoed a previous attempt at rewriting Florida's divorce statutes three... Source: Florida Legislature sends controversial alimony and child-support law to governor for approval Excerpt: "This is people's lives that we are playing with. We cannot afford to play games with people's lives.
ChildrensRightsFL at Stand Up For Zoraya -
Open Letter to Florida Gov. Rick Scott! by Men's Rights Group of Arizona
Children's Rights Florida at American Fathers Liberation -
Our Open Letter to Florida Gov. Rick Scott! Please Sign Bill 668 For the Children of Flordia Dear Governor Scott, The Men’s Rights Group of Arizona strongly urge you to sign SB 668. This Bill will bring Florida into the 21st Century with Alimony Reform and require shared parenting time. Florida’s current Alimony Laws are archaic and more closely resemble the family and economic
Open Letter to Florida Governor Rick Scott!
Children's Rights Florida at Children's Rights - Men's Rights Group of Arizona Our Open Letter to Florida Governor Rick Scott Please Sign Bill 668 For the Children of Florida Dear Governor Scott, The Men’s Rights Group of Arizona strongly urge you to sign SB 668. This Bill will bring Florida into the 21st Century with Alimony Reform and require shared parenting time. Florida’s current Alimony Laws are archaic and
Please stop the unfair punishment of good fathers.
ChildrensRightsFL at Stand Up For Zoraya -
It has been proven time and time again that having BOTH parents in the child's life makes a huge impact, but the Family court tells the fathers when they can see their child, where they can take their child, and what they can do with their child.
How Much is Too Much Child Support?
American Fathers at Americans for Equal Rights for Fathers -
Are the new guidelines excessive and unfair, as a lawsuit charges? Or were the old guidelines too stingy? How much child support is enough? How much is too much? They will have less time to spend with their children, and may be left with a much lower standard of living than the custodial parents.
CHILD ABUSE BY GINGERBREAD | Fathers 4 Justice Advertising
American Fathers at Stand Up For Zoraya -
Stop Disparaging Dads Immediately
afla2016 at Americans for Equal Rights for Fathers -
Thanks to a society plagued by sexism and misogyny that teaches men to suppress their feelings and avoid all emotions, men (and plenty of women) talk about fatherhood like it's a joke: Fathers are so funny in their failures when they try to "be like mom," and fathers are just so silly, trying to be parents when it's clearly not something they're "programmed" to be. It's disheartening, to say the least. It puts an unfair burden on women to do most of the parenting and handle most of the responsibility, while also telling men that their non-monetary parenting contributions simply do n... more »
“Borrando A Papá” ~ “Erasing Dad”
ChildrensRightsFL at Children's Rights -
"Borrando a Papá" es una película que visualiza los efectos del síndrome de alienación parental o manipulación parental. El drama de muchos padres e hijos que se encuentran aislados por el rencor y odio que se genera tras la separación, y el cual ve favorecido su desarrollo por el sistema judicial, cuando es la madre quien trata de impedir y obstaculizar el contacto de los menores con el padre.
Posted by American Fathers Liberation Army on Wednesday, March 30, 2016
Posted by American Fathers Liberation Army on Wednesday, March 30, 2016
Posted by American Fathers Liberation Army on Wednesday, March 30, 2016
Posted by American Fathers Liberation Army on Wednesday, March 30, 2016
Posted by American Fathers Liberation Army on Wednesday, March 30, 2016
Posted by American Fathers Liberation Army on Wednesday, March 30, 2016
Posted by American Fathers Liberation Army on Wednesday, March 30, 2016
Posted by American Fathers Liberation Army on Wednesday, March 30, 2016
Posted by American Fathers Liberation Army on Wednesday, March 30, 2016
Posted by American Fathers Liberation Army on Wednesday, March 30, 2016
Posted by American Fathers Liberation Army on Wednesday, March 30, 2016
Posted by American Fathers Liberation Army on Wednesday, March 30, 2016
Posted by American Fathers Liberation Army on Wednesday, March 30, 2016
Posted by American Fathers Liberation Army on Wednesday, March 30, 2016
Posted by American Fathers Liberation Army on Wednesday, March 30, 2016