Please friends, help us reach as many as we possibly can on this Demand for Reform. This is for the assistance, support, and justice which are often denied because the alienating parents we have lived with, the one who haunts our being, they still hold us captive AND ARE enabled by family court terrorist. This isn’t so much about what’s happened to us, but it is most certainly about what could happen to our children and how our entire system will view what is needed to help these potential victims and hopefully survivors find a recovery process that helps them to live on in happiness. These family court terrorist don’t realize and will never accept responsibility for their actions, so it is up to US, all persons, from these monstrous controllers. Please help and pass this forward, ask those who have been harmed, those who fight for the abused, those who speak up for the RIGHTS OF ALL LIVING BEINGS; we need to see inside these horrific abuses in our homes and the lifelong pains of those who have endured any interaction with Florida’s Family Court.
La presencia del padre es vital en el desarrollo de los hijos
Publicado en FACEBOOK por Fernando Uriel Taborda Unicef Chile La presencia del padre en el desarrollo del hijo o hija se reflejará en los siguientes aspectos: Mayor autoestima. Desarrollo de habilidades sociales. Mejores habilidades para enfrentar adversidades. Mejor calidad de vida. Buen desempeño escolar. Conoce más en el documento #UNICEF: “Paternidad Activa” ** Aguayo, F. y Kimelman, E. (2012) Guía para Promover la Paternidad Activa y la Corresponsabilidad en el Cuidado y la Crianza de niños y niñas. Enlaces. - Ellos crían dife... more »
Originally posted on Researching Reform:
This month for our column over at Jordans, we chose to write about the power of words within the family justice system, from the jargon used by lawyers, to the terms employed within children’s care homes and beyond onto the nation’s child abuse inquiry. In our article we look at the impact of using complex words that work to exclude rather than include families, children and relatives.
Does jargon really serve a purpose, or does it put up unnecessary barriers, when the sole purpose of language in the law should be, arguably, to pull barriers down?
American Fathers Liberation Army
ReplyDeleteShared publicly - Oct 30, 2014
Thomas M. Huguenor originally shared to Guys With Kids (Important Discussion):
What should happen to parents who do not pay their court ordered child support? For years the courts have held a parent in contempt for not paying support (assuming the critical elements of the motion can be proved) and the convicted parent will go to jail. However, social workers have argued to the State of Virginia that governmental social services should try to help the parent to pay the ordered support. The social workers state that if the delinquent parent is "dead broke" (not a "deadbeat") then services should be offered to help the parent, not jail the parent. Mark me as skeptical but have you seen such programs that work?