"The man as he converses is the lover; silent, he is the husband." ~ Honore de Balzac


The growth of States' Power has displaced fatherhood and crippled the traditional family.

The gruesome and compelling statistics about how the growth of State power has displaced fatherhood and crippled the traditional family, and its effects on innocent and helpless children.

Brought to you by Stefan Molybeux, host of Freedomain Radio, the largest and most popular philosophy show on the web - http://www.freedomainradio.com

The greatest scourge an angry Heaven ever inflicted upon an ungrateful and a sinning people, was an ignorant, a corrupt, or a dependent Judiciary.” — Chief Justice John Marshall

Should any Man or Woman be above the law?

For far too long, the judicial branch of government has operated above the very laws they seek to enforce on society. They sit in judgment of citizens with no check and balances.
This is clearly not constitutional.
This legal loop hole has long been used as a means of corrupting judges.
When there is no recourse for the people, and no means of redressing the grievances of the people; then there can be no justice.
No one should be beyond the laws that all of the citizens of any society must live by. 
Over two twenty people testified of the complete corruption of our family courts in Miami and all across the state of Florida.
We need to expose the corruption, and demand protection for our children and families.
See "The Dysfunctional Family Court System Organizational Chart":  
Only as ONE, we will defeat this great evil.


The Pink Slip Project - A Solution To Overhaul The Dysfunctional Family Court System In Florida. ~~ New Judge Say NO! To PAS
We are all helping each other with causes, right?
The stories of court cases you will read are obviously "personal" to the authors so please be considerate. Remember this is about Family Court and those who administer it, such as Judges and Lawyers.
We believe this Cause helps all of us, especially our children - and the Future.
We need to take Absolute Judicial Discretion AND Immunity off the table in FAMILY COURT.
We need to hold the entire Judicial Community responsible for the actions and decisions made by Family Court Judges when PROOF of injury, loss of property, self and other family and so on.
Therefore your stories are important and WE NEED stories to be told. Stories of:

We know we're talking about a $50 BILLION DOLLAR Industry and it sounds scary.

So let me remind you about a little town called Birmingham in 1956 a group of men from Miles College orchestrated a boycott. You see annually the black community spent approximately $3 MILLION dollars during the Easter Holiday in downtown Birmingham stores. After the first year stores in that area, like JC Penny's and Loews, began to allow blacks to access the water fountains and bathrooms, cafeterias, and so forth. Look it up because it's a great story. Can you imagine what those men could have dome if the internet existed in 1956??

Please post your stories, if you have them, of family court injustice.
Please sign and recruit as many people as you can.

 Children, Families and Society as a whole are being undermined by the effects Family Law Courts, Child Protection Services and other associated agencies have on their LIVES! This needs to be exposed NOW!

Judicial Accountability Committee (JAC) gets regular requests from individuals seeking assistance with injustices they are facing in the criminal justice system, family courts and in other spheres of public life. Because of the numbers of people seeking help, and the limitations of our resources, we must be highly selective of the cases we take.
If you wish to apply for our assistance, there are a few requirements you must meet, and some matters that we must make perfectly clear before reviewing your information and making a determination on whether we can do any work on your behalf. Our terms are direct and to the point. This is not to offend you or put you off, but to give you complete honesty from the beginning.
"The father's rights movement isn't an anti-mom or anti-woman movement; it's an anti-unfairness movement. It just so happens that moms have most of the power in the family court system in America." ~ Attorney Joseph E. Cordell 
Good fathers are being systematically removed from their children in domestic relations courts around our country through discriminatory laws which support a multi-billion dollar government industry. It is a form of oppression where innocent children become the hard victims.
Our talents, health and productivity are being lost to a litigious system focused on the ever elusive child’s best interests. We have come a long way since the Dred Scott decision.
Here "I" am...a white civil rights advocate petitioning a black president for equal rights. Yet it is much more than that. A father is asking another father to help preserve future generations of Americans. Being an activist/critic goes against my basic desire for privacy. Yet, circumstances compel me to write.

Let's Join Purple Keyboard Campaign 4 Family Justice Reform!

Let us make the politicians and media aware of all the knowledge we have of Family Court and Child Protection


Dr. Karin Huffer - Legal Abuse Syndrome

"Reckless Disregard" A True And Compelling Story About One Father's Fight

Self-Represented Litigants have no less of a right to FAIR and MEANINGFUL due process under the federal and state constitutions as those individuals who choose to utilize an attorney for their legal affairs and issues. In fact, NOWHERE in any state or federal constitution does it specify that the hiring of a lawyer is a prerequisite to exercising one's due process rights.
 “There is no question that our family law statutes need to be reformed and that there is a great deal of ‘judicial discretion‘ in family law matters. Often times, the outcome of your case depends more on the judge that you have been assigned than the facts of your particular case. If you were to have your case in front of one judge, the outcome may be very different if you were to have your case in front of a different judge.”  Christine Bauer,  A Florida Attorney.

Dr. Karin Huffer is the author of "Legal Abuse Syndrome" has had PTSD recognized and approved to allow special accommodations in the courts. Her work is phenomenal and proven in courtroom and domestic situations. The next time you come across a "crazy woman or man" you might investigate their prior relationships before forming any opinions. I Interviewed Karin and have made a preview of her wonderful and effective work. Dennis Grover, American

Effects of Trauma on Family Court Cases:
What is Trauma and Why We Must Address It?
By Linda Fieldstone
Although prevalence estimates vary, there is consensus that high percentages of justice-involved women and men have experienced serious trauma throughout their lifetime. The reverberating effect of trauma experiences can challenge a person’s capacity for recovery and pose significant barriers to maintaining healthy relationships, adjusting to life transitions and accessing services, often resulting in an increased risk of coming into contact with the criminal justice system and affecting their family court cases. Cindy A. Schwartz, MS, MBA, Consultant to SAMSHA’s National Center for Trauma Informed Care, will offer insights into how to interact with people in ways that help to engage them in services, keep them out of the criminal justice system, ease processing through the system, and avoid re-traumatizing. Justin Volpe, Certified Peer Specialist Consultant, will demonstrate how the application of effective practices can divert a trauma victim from self-destructive behavior to actions that can promote more productive responses when involved in family court actions.


Court of Appeal laments systemic failures in family justice

Click to visit the original post
Re A (a child) EWCA Civ 1104 - read judgment
Appellate judges are obliged to review systemic failings in the family justice system as a whole, not just the merits of the trial judge's determination, particularly where the process has deprived the parties of their rights to procedural fairness under Articles 6 and 8.  Whilst this particular appeal was  not "a fitting vehicle to enable a root and branch appraisal of the procedural history of this protracted case",  McFarlane LJ has taken the opportunity to give full voice to the "profound feeling of failure" felt by Court on the part of the Family Justice system.

Why say NO to attorneys in the Legislature?

Why say NO to attorneys in the Legislature?

Check it out!



"So live your life that the fear of death can never enter your heart. Trouble no one about their religion; respect others in their view, and demand that they respect yours. Love your life, perfect your life, beautify all things in your life. Seek to make your life long and its purpose in the service of your people. Prepare a noble death song for the day when you go over the great divide. Always give a word or a sign of salute when meeting or passing a friend, even a stranger, when in a lonely place. Show respect to all people and grovel to none. When you arise in the morning give thanks for the food and for the joy of living. If you see no reason for giving thanks, the fault lies only in yourself. Abuse no one and no thing, for abuse turns the wise ones to fools and robs the spirit of its vision. When it comes your time to die, be not like those whose hearts are filled with fear of death, so that when their time comes they weep and pray for a little more time to live their lives over again in a different way. Sing your death song and die like a hero going home." (Tecumseh).

American Fathers Liberation: ALL Men’s Rights are Human Rights. ’nuff said http://bit.ly/1JgMgEm

Posted by American Fathers Liberation Army on Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Freedom is never voluntarily given by the oppressor; it must be demanded by the oppressed.


Abuse Administration for Children and Families Adversarial process Adversarial system Alimony American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy American Bar Association American Civil Liberties Union American Psychiatric Association Asbury Park Bad Judges Bad Lawyers Best interests Bill (law) Blogger (service) Broward County Carver County Chief judge Chief Justice John Marshall Child Child abuse Child and family services Child custody Child development Child protection Child Protective Services Child Support Child Support Agency Children Children's rights Circuit court Civil and political rights Civil Rights Class action Closed-circuit television camera Communications Decency Act Constitutional right Contact (law) Contempt of court Coparenting Court Contact Denial Court Corruption Court order Dads Daughters Declaratory judgment Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders Divorce Domestic Disturbance Domestic Violence Due process Elections 2016 Equal opportunity Equal Protection Clause Equal Rights Amendment Equal Shared Parenting Erin Pizzey Event Facebook Facebook Page False accusation False Allegations of DV Falsifiability Family (biology) Family court Family Court Contact Denial Family law Family Law Reform Family therapy Father fatherhood Fathers Fathers 4 Justice Fathers' Rights Fathers' rights movement Fathers4Justice Federal Bureau of Investigation Federal Trade Commission Feminism Florida Florida Attorney General Florida Circuit Courts Florida Department of Children and Families Florida Department of Health florida lawyers Florida Senate Foster care Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution Fraud Fundamental rights Gender equality Good Family Law Lawyers Good Judge Government And Politics Healthy Children Human rights Human Rights And Civil Liberties Joaquin Sapien Joint Custody Joint custody (United States) Judge Judge Judy Judicial Accountability Judicial misconduct Judicial Reform Judiciary Law Law And Order Lawyer Legal abuse Legal Abuse Trauma Legal Abuse Trauma/Syndrome Legal Proceedings liberty and the pursuit of happiness Life Linda Gottlieb Mark Castillo Marriage Men's rights movement Mental disorder Miami Miami-Dade County Minnesota Mother Murder of Nubia Barahona National Fatherhood Initiative National Organization for Women Natural and legal rights New York City courts Non-Custodial Parent Non-governmental organization Noncustodial parent Pam Bondi Parent Parental Alienation Parental alienation syndrome Parental Rights Parenting Parenting Differences Parenting time Parents' rights movement Phyllis Schlafly Physical Custody Political Issues Posttraumatic stress disorder Pro se legal representation in the United States Pushing for reform in the equality between men's and women's rights Pushing for reform in the equality between men's and women's rights. Race And Ethnicity Restraining order Richard A. Gardner Rick Scott Self Representation Separation Of Powers Shared parenting Single parent Social Affairs Social Issues South Florida State court (United States) Supreme Court of Florida Supreme Court of the United States The Florida Bar The Huffington Post The Kids Title IV Trial court Troxel v. Granville Turner v. Rogers United States United States Constitution United States Department of Justice Visitation Disputes

Freedom of speech in the United States

Freedom of speech in the United States
Congress shall make no law...

The BEST Parent is BOTH Parents!

Dads Matter - 2016 Family Law Reform

Parent and Child Contact Denial is Child Abuse

Civil Rights in Family Law


American Fathers

The “Best interest of the child” (BIOC) policy or doctrine is clearly unconstitutional.

Contact Denial is Child Abuse

South FL Family Law Reform

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