The gruesome and compelling statistics about how the growth of State power has displaced fatherhood and crippled the traditional family, and its effects on innocent and helpless children.
Brought to you by Stefan Molybeux, host of Freedomain Radio, the largest and most popular philosophy show on the web -
“The greatest scourge an angry Heaven ever inflicted upon an ungrateful and a sinning people, was an ignorant, a corrupt, or a dependent Judiciary.” — Chief Justice John Marshall
Should any Man or Woman be above the law?
For far too long, the judicial branch of government has operated above the very laws they seek to enforce on society. They sit in judgment of citizens with no check and balances.
This is clearly not constitutional.
This legal loop hole has long been used as a means of corrupting judges.
When there is no recourse for the people, and no means of redressing the grievances of the people; then there can be no justice.
No one should be beyond the laws that all of the citizens of any society must live by.
Over two twenty people testified of the complete corruption of our family courts in Miami and all across the state of Florida.
We need to expose the corruption, and demand protection for our children and families.
See "The Dysfunctional Family Court System Organizational Chart":
Only as ONE, we will defeat this great evil.
The Pink Slip Project - A Solution To Overhaul The Dysfunctional Family Court System In Florida. ~~ New Judge Say NO! To PAS
We are all helping each other with causes, right?
The stories of court cases you will read are obviously "personal" to the authors so please be considerate. Remember this is about Family Court and those who administer it, such as Judges and Lawyers.
We believe this Cause helps all of us, especially our children - and the Future.
We need to take Absolute Judicial Discretion AND Immunity off the table in FAMILY COURT.
- PROOF of Intentional infliction of emotional distress
- PROOF of Negligent infliction of emotional distress
- PROOF of Extreme emotional distress
- PROOF of Abuse of "your"Family Legal System
- PROOF of Legal abuse and intentional vexatious Family Law litigation
So let me remind you about a little town called Birmingham in 1956 a group of men from Miles College orchestrated a boycott. You see annually the black community spent approximately $3 MILLION dollars during the Easter Holiday in downtown Birmingham stores. After the first year stores in that area, like JC Penny's and Loews, began to allow blacks to access the water fountains and bathrooms, cafeterias, and so forth. Look it up because it's a great story. Can you imagine what those men could have dome if the internet existed in 1956??
Please post your stories, if you have them, of family court injustice.
Children, Families and Society as a whole are being undermined by the effects Family Law Courts, Child Protection Services and other associated agencies have on their LIVES! This needs to be exposed NOW!
Judicial Accountability Committee (JAC) gets regular requests from individuals seeking assistance with injustices they are facing in the criminal justice system, family courts and in other spheres of public life. Because of the numbers of people seeking help, and the limitations of our resources, we must be highly selective of the cases we take.
If you wish to apply for our assistance, there are a few requirements you must meet, and some matters that we must make perfectly clear before reviewing your information and making a determination on whether we can do any work on your behalf. Our terms are direct and to the point. This is not to offend you or put you off, but to give you complete honesty from the beginning.
"The father's rights movement isn't an anti-mom or anti-woman movement; it's an anti-unfairness movement. It just so happens that moms have most of the power in the family court system in America." ~ Attorney Joseph E. Cordell
Good fathers are being systematically removed from their children in domestic relations courts around our country through discriminatory laws which support a multi-billion dollar government industry. It is a form of oppression where innocent children become the hard victims.
Our talents, health and productivity are being lost to a litigious system focused on the ever elusive child’s best interests. We have come a long way since the Dred Scott decision.
Let's Join Purple Keyboard Campaign 4 Family Justice Reform!
Let us make the politicians and media aware of all the knowledge we have of Family Court and Child Protection