"The man as he converses is the lover; silent, he is the husband." ~ Honore de Balzac


Overcome the influence that your child gets from the alienator on a daily basis.

Steps To Take To Deal With Your Alienated Children

Dealing With Them When During Visitation/After Reunification.

First of all, let us discuss the more common of the two; the scenario of visitation.
Whether visitation is one day of the week or several, the behavior of an alienated child is most likely to be the same. Children are generally resistant and defiant, and will attempt to diffuse the alienated parent, and will make every attempt to diffuse the visitation. From ill behavior, violence, rudeness, underhanded tack ticks, you can expect anything.

Generally, anything and everything can happen and a parent has to be on their guard. This is no time for cupcakes and ice cream. Young children in the family have to be guarded as well if they are from a second marriage. If I am sounding harsh, I mean to be, I am realistic. I have seen this happen.

Of course, as with everything in life, there are acceptations to every rule.

You may have a perfectly adjusted child who has been alienated from you. If that is the case, ignore everything I have said above.

The problem with children who have been under the influence by an alienator is that they suffer with PAS… Parental Alienation Syndrome. Although it is not a recognized syndrome by the DSM (The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 4th edition text revision (DSM-IV TR is used by clinicians and psychiatrists to diagnose psychiatric illnesses.).

These children are emotionally behind by ten years by the time they are in their teens. Yes, they behave like 6-8 year olds. They may walk, talk and look like their peers, and are 4.0 students like my four children are, but emotionally, they are stunted.

Turner v. Rogers Turns 5 Years Old | What the Supreme Court did and didn’t say

Turner v. Rogers, 564 U.S. 431 is a case decided by the United States Supreme Court on June 20, 2011, that held that a state must provide safeguards to reduce the risk of erroneous Deprivation of Liberty ...
 End date: 2011 Docket number: 10 Citation: 564.
Lawless Family Courts: Jailing people for debt is Unconstitutional - A form of Extortion from Bob Norton on Vimeo.
Many states are jailing people to extort money from their friends and families. This is literally extortion as civil courts are not allowed to use civil contempt to punish, nor jail people who do not have the money. Learn how to protect yourself from unlawful jail time with a few words.

Turner v. Rogers, the Court was asked if deadbeat dads who fail to pay child support have a right to counsel when facing incarceration.

Lawless Family Courts: Constitutional Law Requires Treating Everyone Equally - Judges Don't Care from Bob Norton on Vimeo.
Sexism is rampant in family court, though not always the determining factor. Money generation almost always overrides this law. After illegal termination of one parents rights the litigation is on and everything you own, and could earn for up to 24 years is too. Honoring the 14th Amendment would mean granting equal time and custody in any case where both parents are fit, but that would not generate billions in federal kickbacks for all 50 state judicial systems - and they are now addicted to this money flow. The best interest of children will never get in the way of paychecks for their mostly unneeded jobs.
By Rebekah Diller, deputy director of the Justice Program at the Brennan Center for Justice. This is a cross-post from the Brennan Center’s blog. Posted on June 21, 2011.
In a mixed result for the rights of indigent parents, the Supreme Court yesterday held that the year-long incarceration of a South Carolina man for failure to pay child support violated the Constitution because adequate safeguards had not been in place to ensure that his failure to pay was willful. However, the Court also ruled that parents facing jail time for failure to pay child support do not have a categorical right to a court-appointed defense attorney when the other parent is unrepresented.

The case, Turner v. Rogers, involved an appeal of an order finding Michael Turner in civil contempt because of his failure to pay child support. At the hearing, Mr. Turner had been unrepresented by counsel and had attempted to explain to the judge why he could not pay his debt. The judge did not make any finding as to Turner’s ability to pay the arrears and nonetheless ordered Turner to serve a year in prison.


Child Support Rules ~ Biased Against Fathers?

Turner v. Rogers
Turner v. Rogers, 564 U.S. 431 is a case decided by the United States Supreme Court on June 20, 2011, that held that a state must provide safeguards to reduce the risk of erroneous deprivation of liberty ...Wikipedia
End date2011 ~~ Docket number10 ~~ Citation564

Broward State Attorney Ignores Child Support Guidelines Turner v. Rogers and commits an act of,
"Erroneous Deprivation of Liberty" by 
Arresting  a Disabled Dad for Non-Payment of Child Support in Case 02-24972

Family Court Corruption and to Abolish Title IV-D Funding from States to have incentives to illegally "courtnap" children, CPS corruption, judicial corruption!!
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~ 42 U.S. Code Part D Child Support and Establishment of Paternity
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Zero Tolerance for False DV Allegations

False Allegations of Domestic Violence Awareness

Over 1,700 research studies conclude that men and women engage in partner aggression at similar rates. Yet some groups ignore the problem of mutual abuse, minimize female-initiated aggression, and claim that DV is an expression of patriarchal power.

“Groups that distort the truth are keeping us from ending the cycle of violence. — S. Hutter, SAVE   --

Battered Men - The Hidden Side of Domestic Violence
Latest Research Findings
Research Findings on Intimate Partner Violence Against Men
© 2012 by Bert H. Hoff, J.D. *
Adjunct Faculty, University of Phoenix School of Criminal Justice and Security
May be cited as: Hoff, B. H. (2012), Research Findings on Intimate Partner Violence Against Men. MenWeb on-line Journal (ISSN: 1095-5240 http://www.batteredmen.com/ResearchGraphs.htm)
This article is available in PowerPoint (497 KB) format.
SUMMARY: According to a 2010 national survey by the Centers for Disease Control and Department of Justice (NISVS), in the last 12 months more men than women were victims of intimate partner physical violence and over 40% of severe physical violence was directed at men. Men were also more often the victim of psychological aggression and control over sexual or reproductive health. Despite this, few services are available to male victims of intimate partner violence.
Here are some of the graphs from two articles I am working on, "The National Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence Survey and the Perils of Advocacy Research" (publication pending in the Journal of Aggression, Conflict and Peace Research) and "National Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence Survey and the Perils of Advocacy Research" Here is a PowerPoint slide show with the complete set of graphics.
Click here to download a PowerPoint slide show presentation of these graphics
Feel free to use it, for friends and family, domestic viiolence people, policy-makers, legislators, other government officials, or whomever! I hope it's useful.

Why say NO to attorneys in the Legislature?

Why say NO to attorneys in the Legislature?

Check it out!



"So live your life that the fear of death can never enter your heart. Trouble no one about their religion; respect others in their view, and demand that they respect yours. Love your life, perfect your life, beautify all things in your life. Seek to make your life long and its purpose in the service of your people. Prepare a noble death song for the day when you go over the great divide. Always give a word or a sign of salute when meeting or passing a friend, even a stranger, when in a lonely place. Show respect to all people and grovel to none. When you arise in the morning give thanks for the food and for the joy of living. If you see no reason for giving thanks, the fault lies only in yourself. Abuse no one and no thing, for abuse turns the wise ones to fools and robs the spirit of its vision. When it comes your time to die, be not like those whose hearts are filled with fear of death, so that when their time comes they weep and pray for a little more time to live their lives over again in a different way. Sing your death song and die like a hero going home." (Tecumseh).

American Fathers Liberation: ALL Men’s Rights are Human Rights. ’nuff said http://bit.ly/1JgMgEm

Posted by American Fathers Liberation Army on Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Freedom is never voluntarily given by the oppressor; it must be demanded by the oppressed.


Abuse Administration for Children and Families Adversarial process Adversarial system Alimony American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy American Bar Association American Civil Liberties Union American Psychiatric Association Asbury Park Bad Judges Bad Lawyers Best interests Bill (law) Blogger (service) Broward County Carver County Chief judge Chief Justice John Marshall Child Child abuse Child and family services Child custody Child development Child protection Child Protective Services Child Support Child Support Agency Children Children's rights Circuit court Civil and political rights Civil Rights Class action Closed-circuit television camera Communications Decency Act Constitutional right Contact (law) Contempt of court Coparenting Court Contact Denial Court Corruption Court order Dads Daughters Declaratory judgment Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders Divorce Domestic Disturbance Domestic Violence Due process Elections 2016 Equal opportunity Equal Protection Clause Equal Rights Amendment Equal Shared Parenting Erin Pizzey Event Facebook Facebook Page False accusation False Allegations of DV Falsifiability Family (biology) Family court Family Court Contact Denial Family law Family Law Reform Family therapy Father fatherhood Fathers Fathers 4 Justice Fathers' Rights Fathers' rights movement Fathers4Justice Federal Bureau of Investigation Federal Trade Commission Feminism Florida Florida Attorney General Florida Circuit Courts Florida Department of Children and Families Florida Department of Health florida lawyers Florida Senate Foster care Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution Fraud Fundamental rights Gender equality Good Family Law Lawyers Good Judge Government And Politics Healthy Children Human rights Human Rights And Civil Liberties Joaquin Sapien Joint Custody Joint custody (United States) Judge Judge Judy Judicial Accountability Judicial misconduct Judicial Reform Judiciary Law Law And Order Lawyer Legal abuse Legal Abuse Trauma Legal Abuse Trauma/Syndrome Legal Proceedings liberty and the pursuit of happiness Life Linda Gottlieb Mark Castillo Marriage Men's rights movement Mental disorder Miami Miami-Dade County Minnesota Mother Murder of Nubia Barahona National Fatherhood Initiative National Organization for Women Natural and legal rights New York City courts Non-Custodial Parent Non-governmental organization Noncustodial parent Pam Bondi Parent Parental Alienation Parental alienation syndrome Parental Rights Parenting Parenting Differences Parenting time Parents' rights movement Phyllis Schlafly Physical Custody Political Issues Posttraumatic stress disorder Pro se legal representation in the United States Pushing for reform in the equality between men's and women's rights Pushing for reform in the equality between men's and women's rights. Race And Ethnicity Restraining order Richard A. Gardner Rick Scott Self Representation Separation Of Powers Shared parenting Single parent Social Affairs Social Issues South Florida State court (United States) Supreme Court of Florida Supreme Court of the United States The Florida Bar The Huffington Post The Kids Title IV Trial court Troxel v. Granville Turner v. Rogers United States United States Constitution United States Department of Justice Visitation Disputes

Freedom of speech in the United States

Freedom of speech in the United States
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The BEST Parent is BOTH Parents!

Dads Matter - 2016 Family Law Reform

Parent and Child Contact Denial is Child Abuse

Civil Rights in Family Law


American Fathers

The “Best interest of the child” (BIOC) policy or doctrine is clearly unconstitutional.

Contact Denial is Child Abuse

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